Below is a list of primary schools located in Whyalla, South Australia.
You may use this page to find out the finest Whyalla primary school for your child. The top primary schools in Whyalla are included in this table, along with a ranking of each school within the city.
The popularity of each school in Whyalla determines its ranking.
Ranking of Whyalla Primary Schools in 2024
Rank | School |
1 | Memorial Oval Primary School |
2 | Whyalla Town Primary School |
3 | Nicolson Avenue Primary School |
4 | Samaritan College |
5 | Long Street Primary School |
6 | Hincks Avenue Primary School |
7 | Sunrise Christian School Whyalla |
8 | Fisk Street Primary School |
9 | Whyalla Stuart Primary School R-6 |
Map of Whyalla Primary Schools
The primary schools in Whyalla are listed on this map, arranged according to popularity. The map may also be used to determine the routes to each school.
FAQ For Primary School in Whyalla
Memorial Oval Primary School is the best primary school in Whyalla according to the SA primary school rankings.