The list presents the top 100 primary schools in South Australia for 2024 Ranking.

South Australia offers top primary schools, requiring careful consideration of factors like academic performance, popularity, extracurricular activities, and location. This page provides a table listing the 100 most popular primary schools in South Australia, along with their popularity ranking, to assist in selecting the best school for your child.
SA Primary School Ranking 2024
Based on popularity, the top primary school in South Australia is Linden Park Primary School.
Rank | School | Popularity | Location | Post Code |
1 | Linden Park Primary School | 220% | Linden Park | 5065 |
2 | St Andrew’s School – Walkerville | 215% | Walkerville | 5081 |
3 | Dara School | 214% | Morphettville | 5043 |
4 | Scotch College | 210% | Torrens Park | 5062 |
5 | St Peter’s College | 208% | St Peters | 5069 |
6 | Pembroke School | 201% | Kensington Park | 5068 |
7 | Prince Alfred College | 197% | Kent Town | 5067 |
8 | St Peter’s Girls’ School | 195% | Stonyfell | 5066 |
9 | Seymour College | 192% | Glen Osmond | 5064 |
10 | Rose Park Primary School | 191% | Rose Park | 5067 |
11 | Burnside Primary School | 189% | Burnside | 5066 |
12 | Pulteney Grammar School | 185% | Adelaide | 5000 |
13 | Wilderness School | 184% | Medindie | 5081 |
14 | North Adelaide Primary School | 181% | North Adelaide | 5006 |
15 | Parkside Primary School | 180% | Parkside | 5063 |
16 | Norwood Primary School | 177% | Norwood | 5067 |
17 | King’s Baptist Grammar School | 176% | Wynn Vale | 5127 |
18 | Richmond Primary School | 173% | Keswick | 5035 |
19 | East Marden Primary School | 172% | Campbelltown | 5074 |
20 | Unley Primary School | 171% | Malvern | 5061 |
21 | Walford Anglican School For Girls | 166% | Hyde Park | 5061 |
22 | St Dominic’s Priory College | 164% | North Adelaide | 5006 |
23 | Pilgrim School | 162% | Aberfoyle Park | 5159 |
24 | Glen Osmond Primary School | 157% | Myrtle Bank | 5064 |
25 | Hawthorndene Primary School | 156% | Hawthorndene | 5051 |
26 | Marryatville Primary School | 155% | Kensington | 5068 |
27 | Westminster School | 154% | Marion | 5043 |
28 | Stirling East Primary School | 152% | Stirling | 5152 |
29 | Immanuel Primary School | 150% | Novar Gardens | 5040 |
30 | Stradbroke School | 149% | Rostrevor | 5073 |
31 | Heritage College | 148% | Oakden | 5086 |
32 | Annesley College | 147% | Wayville | 5034 |
33 | Paracombe Primary School | 145% | Paracombe | 5132 |
34 | Emmaus Christian College | 144% | South Plympton | 5038 |
35 | St Pius X – School | 143% | Windsor Gardens | 5087 |
36 | Black Forest Primary School | 142% | Black Forest | 5035 |
37 | St. Ignatius College | 141% | Norwood | 5067 |
38 | Mercedes College | 140% | Springfield | 5062 |
39 | St Joseph’s School – PAYNEHAM | 139% | Payneham South | 5070 |
40 | Goodwood Primary School | 138% | Goodwood | 5034 |
41 | Magill School | 137% | Magill | 5072 |
42 | West Beach Primary School | 136% | West Beach | 5024 |
43 | Sunrise Christian School Paradise | 131% | Paradise | 5075 |
44 | Crafers Primary School | 130% | Crafers | 5152 |
45 | Southern Montessori School | 124% | O’Sullivan Beach | 5166 |
46 | Westbourne Park Primary School | 123% | Cumberland Park | 5041 |
47 | Nailsworth Primary School | 119% | Nailsworth | 5083 |
48 | Loreto College | 118% | Marryatville | 5068 |
49 | Uraidla Primary School | 117% | Uraidla | 5142 |
50 | Southern Vales Christian College | 115% | Morphett Vale | 5162 |
51 | Star of the Sea School | 106% | Henley Beach | 5022 |
52 | Belair Primary School | 105% | Belair | 5052 |
53 | Henley Beach Primary School | 104% | Henley Beach South | 5022 |
54 | Blackwood Primary School | 103% | Eden Hills | 5050 |
55 | Prospect Primary School | 102% | Prospect | 5082 |
56 | Cedar College | 98% | Northgate | 5085 |
57 | Portside Christian College | 97% | New Port | 5015 |
58 | St Peter’s Woodlands Grammar School | 96% | Glenelg | 5045 |
59 | Edwardstown Primary School | 95% | Melrose Park | 5039 |
60 | Colonel Light Gardens Primary School | 93% | Colonel Light | 5041 |
61 | Torrens Valley Christian School | 92% | Hope Valley | 5090 |
62 | St Martin’s Catholic Primary School | 91% | Greenacres | 5086 |
63 | Pinnacle College | 90% | Golden Grove | 5125 |
64 | Loxton Lutheran School | 89% | Loxton | 5333 |
65 | Pedare Christian College | 88% | Golden Grove | 5125 |
66 | Heathfield Primary School | 85% | Heathfield | 5153 |
67 | The Heights School | 84% | Modbury Heights | 5092 |
68 | Whitefriars School | 82% | Woodville Park | 5011 |
69 | Hillcrest Primary School | 80% | Hillcrest SA | 5086 |
70 | St Monica’s School – Walkerville | 79% | Walkerville | 5081 |
71 | Christ the King School | 78% | Warradale | 5046 |
72 | Mitcham Primary School | 77% | Kingswood | 5062 |
73 | Kangarilla Primary School | 72% | Kangarilla | 5157 |
74 | Vale Park Primary School | 68% | Vale Park | 5081 |
75 | Cobdogla Primary School | 67% | Cobdogla | 5346 |
76 | St John’s Grammar School | 65% | Belair | 5052 |
77 | St Catherine’s School | 63% | Stirling | 5152 |
78 | Roseworthy Primary School | 62% | Roseworthy | 5371 |
79 | Owen Primary School | 61% | Owen | 5460 |
80 | Concordia College | 60% | Highgate | 5063 |
81 | St Therese’s School | 59% | Colonel Light | 5041 |
82 | OneSchool Global | 58% | Aberfoyle Park | 5159 |
83 | St Michael’s Lutheran School | 57% | Hahndorf | 5245 |
84 | Walkerville Primary School | 55% | Walkerville | 5081 |
85 | St Mark’s Lutheran School | 52% | Mount Barker | 5251 |
86 | Westport Primary School | 50% | Semaphore Park | 5019 |
87 | Prescott Primary Northern | 49% | Para Vista | 5093 |
88 | Sandy Creek Primary School | 48% | Cockatoo Valley | 5351 |
89 | Trinity Gardens Primary School | 47% | Trinity Gardens | 5068 |
90 | Stella Maris Parish School | 45% | Seacombe Gardens | 5047 |
91 | St Aloysius College | 41% | Adelaide | 5000 |
92 | Grange Primary School | 40% | Grange | 5022 |
93 | St Agnes Primary School | 39% | St Agnes | 5097 |
94 | Paringa Park Primary School | 36% | North Brighton | 5048 |
95 | Clapham Primary School | 35% | Clapham | 5062 |
96 | Tanunda Primary School | 33% | Tanunda | 5352 |
97 | Macclesfield Primary School | 32% | Macclesfield | 5153 |
98 | Eden Hills Primary School | 30% | Eden Hills | 5050 |
99 | Bellevue Heights Primary School | 27% | Bellevue Heights | 5050 |
100 | Fulham North Primary School | 21% | Henley Beach | 5022 |
Map Of SA Best 100 Primary Schools
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FAQ For South Australia Primary Schools
Reference: – My School – AU