
Geraldton Top 10 Primary Schools in 2024


The primary schools in Geraldton, Weston, Australia, are listed below.

Situated on the Indian Ocean coast of Western Australia is the city of Geraldton. It is a well-liked family vacation spot because of its lovely beaches, comfortable weather, and welcoming neighborhood.

Geraldton primary schools

Geraldton is home to several excellent primary schools, each with special qualities and advantages of its own. We include all of Geraldton’s elementary schools here on this page. To make it simple for you to identify the top primary schools in Geraldton, we also rank every institution. The popularity of the school—which is based on things like enrolment, parent satisfaction, and academic success—is what determines the rating.

List of Primary Schools in Geraldton 2024

RankSchoolSchool Popularity
1Geraldton Grammar School47%
2Geraldton Primary School42%
3Allendale Primary School41%
4St Lawrence’s Primary School38%
5Mount Tarcoola Primary School34%
6Geraldton Christian College31%
7Beachlands Primary School27%
8St Francis Xavier Primary School22%
9St John’s School, Geraldton17%
10Leaning Tree Steiner School14%

Map of Geraldton Primary Schools

FAQ For Primary School in Geraldton

Geraldton Grammar School is the best primary school in Geraldton according to the Western Australian primary school rankings.
The top Catholic primary school in Geraldton is St. Lawrence’s Primary School.