The list of primary schools in Mount Gambier, South Australia is provided.
This page simplifies the process of finding the best primary school in Mount Gambier by listing the most popular schools and their citywide rankings, allowing parents to find the right school for their child’s needs.

The ranking of each school in Mount Gambier is determined by its popularity.
The Mount Gambier Primary Schools List with Ranking 2024
Rank | School |
1 | Mount Gambier North Primary School |
2 | Reidy Park Primary School |
3 | McDonald Park School |
4 | Tenison Woods College |
5 | Mulga Street Primary School |
6 | St Martins Lutheran College |
7 | Melaleuca Park Primary School |
Map Of Mount Gambier Primary Schools
The map displays a list of Mount Gambier’s primary schools, ranked by popularity, and allows users to locate their respective locations.
FAQ For Mount Gambier Primary Schools
Mount Gambier North Primary School is the top primary school in Mount Gambier, according to the primary school ranking in South Africa.