The list includes primary schools in Maitland, NSW.
Maitland, a city in the Lower Hunter Valley region of New South Wales, houses primary schools within the NSW State.

The ranking of each school is determined by Google Map Ranking.
Maitland Primary Schools List with Ranking 2024
Rank | Primary School |
1 | Maitland East Public School |
2 | Maitland Public School |
3 | Telarah Public School |
4 | St Joseph’s Primary School |
5 | Maitland Christian School |
6 | St John the Baptist Primary School |
7 | Linuwel School Ltd, |
8 | OneSchool Global NSW |
Map Of Maitland Primary Schools
The map displays all Maitland primary schools, with directions to a specific school easily accessible by clicking on its marker.
FAQ For Primary School in Maitland
Maitland East Public School is the top primary school in Maitland, according to the primary school ranking in NSW.
St Joseph’s Primary School is ranked as the top private primary school in Maitland.
Reference: – Google Maps